Goals are defined to be the output of effort; an endpoint of where and what you desire to achieve. Having a clear set of goals are important to someone who strives to succeed— more so to a company that aims to make its brand known; to consistently gain and grow. These goals, however, may not be possible to achieve alone--after all, “teamwork makes the dream work”. Last June 10, 2017, Palmer-Asia took a day to remember these goals in line with the value of team building at Shercon Resort, Batangas. It was the first time Palmer-Asia Inc., held an activity like this.
The day was gloomy, although that did not affect the employees’ excitement. Upon reaching the venue, they ate breakfast together and the facilitators warmly welcomed everyone. The teams were formed in a random order so that everyone could get a chance to know each other. These were labeled as the colors “red, green, yellow, and blue” teams. Everyone enjoyed the challenges; also rappelling and zip lining too. They may have gotten tired, but their expressions were the opposite. It’s as if they didn’t break a sweat because everyone was overjoyed with the momentous occasion. "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." -Andrew Carnegie "Unity is strength . . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." -Mattie Stepanek The day was not only filled with athletics, but the CEO of Palmer-Asia Inc., Mr. Angel Palmiery, had given the employees a motivational talk too. He discussed how the company achieved its goals for the past months and shared his thoughts for the company’s future goals. His talk summarized determination, cooperation, and trust— basic virtues a person should carry that are essential for teamwork. Team work is critical when it comes to aiming for the same goal. Equal efforts should always be practiced. This was emphasized throughout the day by how they played each game together. With the lack of one person doing his/ her job, they would not be able to accomplish their goal. As the day ended, Palmer-Asia Inc., felt the need to give thanks for being able to communicate with one another. They were thankful for each other’s’ presence at Shercon Resort. It surely was a memorable day for everyone |
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